
The Christmas Message was a Generous One

Incarnational Reading?

Found: One Generous Mind at the Dentist’s Office

Value: Humility

Generous Minds are Reading Minds

When the Poor Become Generous

Take Care in What you Share

When the Toothpicks are Gone

Generous Thinking is Comprehensive

What is a Gift Without a Receiver?

Seven billion ideas and counting

Thoughts from a Bowl of Goop

Generosity or Control…What You Can Learn at the Pet Store

Update from River Town

The Splendor of His Provision

Bringing Passion and Experience Together

Memoir: Self-Centered or Self-Giving?

What is Success?

Teamwork is NOT cheating

Where are your ideas coming from?

Sharing Our Dream

When Ideas Own Us

Yellow Balloon

Getting an Idea Ready for Bouncing

What will bounce off your next idea?

Sharing Stories From a Cultural Goldmine

From Your Cherished Idea . . .

Love must come first

Can you waste generosity?

The Engine Behind Your Generous Mind

Sharing What Isn't Yours

Need Clarity? Tell Your Story!

A Generous Mind Story: Contentment

Generosity Means Going Beyond Expectations

Generosity isn't Hard but it is on Purpose

What I should have done with my sick day

Sharing Ideas on how to Pray

Sharing In New Ways

Generosity After You Die