The Christmas Message was a Generous One

All month we have been celebrating Christmas with our family through evening readings, singing, treats and the advent candles and calendar. As we have done that we have interacted with most of the players in the Christmas story as they have heard the Good News of Immanuel - God with us.

As we reflect on all of those encounters with the message of hope that Jesus was either on His way or already arrived, the number and variety of times God chose to share this news is striking.

God did not hide His Son away. He was not stingy with those He shared the news. He shared freely . . . grandly . . . generously!

Let's just think for a minute about some of the instances of God's generosity:
  • He made Himself known to the wise men far away with enough notice to travel all the way to Bethlehem
  • His angel appeared to Mary and Joseph to explain this amazing journey they were about to participate in.
  • A multitude of angels came to the shepherds to announce the birth.
  • God prepared the heart of Simeon who waited in the courts of the Temple for the Messiah to make Himself known.
These are just a few examples and we could go on and on for pages if we included all of the amazing prophecies in the Old Testament that foretold the coming Messiah.

What stands out is how generous God was with the Good News. He truly wanted the world to know and was intentional about His communication to us. Let us take time this Christmas to thank Him for this wondrous gift!
