Top 30 Tweets from The Top 10 Leadership Conversations in the Bible

I have had the pleasure of reading Steve Moore's book "The Top 10 Leadership Conversations in the Bible." As I read, I shared twitter posts of some of the most significant ideas he shared. I hope my curated list of my top 30 tweets from the many more I shared. If you haven't read the book yet, I would encourage you to purchase a copy and share your own insights from the book with others who could benefit.
  1. “...the legacy of leaders, and the success of the organizations they lead, will be determined by the cumulative outcome of their most important judgment calls.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders
  2. When the gap between knowledge and obedience is small, faith and spiritual power become great. And when the gap between knowledge and obedience is large, faith and spiritual power remain small. @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders
  3. "Jesus measured maturity by a person’s obedience, not knowledge." @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders
  4. "Influence that leads to action is at the heart of leadership." @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders #leadership
  5. #Leaders who regularly take time to rest, think, and reflect are swimming against strong currents created by the culture around us.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders #SaturdayMotivation #leadership #WorkLifeBalance
  6. “...the first expression of groupthink in a #nonprofit board is making organizational perpetuity, rather than mission effectiveness, its highest objective.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders #governance #leadership
  7. “...pride is very good at hiding, often behind overconfidence.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders #leadership
  8. "There is no spiritual merit associated with increasing risk by failing to plan. Nothing about planning is incompatible with prayer.” @MooreMissions #prayer #risk #Top10BibleLeaders
  9. "Some of the loudest voices in the United States against #refugee resettlement are Jesus-followers. The core of their message is a desire to keep our country safe. Welcoming refugees, they believe, is just too risky.” @MooreMissions #RefugeesWelcome #risk #Top10BibleLeaders
  10. "The opportunity to make a significant impact almost always comes with significant risk. In fact, the two are directly related.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders #risk #innovation
  11. "By his very nature, God is on mission. True #worship is both the goal and the fuel of #missions, and is therefore central to Christian #leadership.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders
  12. "Peter is known for walking on water with Jesus. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stood in fire with Jesus. In both cases, it was the presence of Jesus that made the difference." @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders
  13. "The first responsibility of spiritual #leaders is to lead followers into a relationship with God, fostering the kind of intimacy that flows from true worship.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders
  14. "Jesus-following #leaders who attempt to lead without #prayer flirt with the sin of presumption, assuming God will add his blessing to their human effort.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders #spiritual #leadership
  15. #Prayer is like the string on a kite that keeps us tethered to God’s heart for the people we lead, as we are carried by the wind of his Spirit. @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders #leadership
  16. "When #leaders connect their responsibility for #leadership to God, their attention naturally turns to the followers he has entrusted to them.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders
  17. "The 1st response for #leaders walking through character-based failure is #repentance of sin. The 1st response for competency-based failure is acceptance of #responsibility. From there, regardless of the context for #failure, #resilience is key.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders
  18. #Leadership is not an individual sport. But the higher we go in leadership the harder we must work to sustain a network of life-giving and authentic #relationships.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders
  19. #Innovative #leaders understand how failure can unlock a treasure trove of good ideas. This upside of failure is why leaders on the steep side of the learning curve urge their followers to fail faster.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders
  20. "Wise #leaders welcome robust conversation about the implications of #change. That’s how unintended consequences are often identified.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders #changemanagement
  21. "Spiritual authority is to leading change what oil is to an engine. It lubricates the process, reduces the friction, and prevents the situation from overheating.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders #changemanagement
  22. "Our character as leaders is refined as we walk with God through difficult circumstances and experience his sufficiency to meet us at our point of need...Over time, followers recognize the godly character he forms in us.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders
  23. #Leaders gain spiritual authority by modeling godly character over time, engaging with followers in spiritual experiences and serving them with gifted power.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders
  24. "Spiritual #authority is not the only form of legitimate #power. But it is the most important. Effective Christian #leaders view spiritual authority as their primary and preferred power-base.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders
  25. "As we become highly self-aware, we discover new levels of confidence and clarity about how God has equipped us to add value to other individuals and contribute to a team.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders
  26. "We grow in leadership effectiveness the more we learn to interpret life from God’s vantage point, which gives us a better perspective.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders
  27. "Perspective is to life what a scale is to a map.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders
  28. "Humility & its companions of dependency & faith often fly in the face of our #leadership instincts. We tend to take charge & feel responsible to make something happen, rather than putting our faith in what God can do through us.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders
  29. "Hope is not a strategy. But leaders without hope almost never develop a good strategy.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders
  30. (God’s) "Favor is never a shortcut. It is never a reward for mediocre service.” @MooreMissions #Top10BibleLeaders #leadership
