So Much Knowledge to Steward

Each of us has so much insight at our fingertips. But most of it sits unused like those socks in your drawer or the boxes in your garage. As we begin 2018, I would like to encourage you to think differently about the information God has entrusted to you.

He gave you information to utilize for His Kingdom. It isn't an ornament or simply a tool in your toolbox. It is a resource designed to be used.

My book, "The Calling of the Knowledge Steward" is free for the next few months on GMI's legacy website. GMI's cause was Knowledge Stewardship. We spent all our time working on how we could help the Kingdom better steward knowledge to accomplish things God cared about.

The book was my attempt to take all the things we were learning at a fairly high level and make them accessible to any believer who wants to be a better steward. I hope you will take advantage of this book being free as a final gift from GMI to the Christian community. Then once you have read it, I would love to hear from you.
