Why do we go to church? There are many reasons. Sometimes we want fed as Christians, other times we go to serve others. Still other times we go out of obligation. Sometimes we don't know why we go but the routine propels us to the doors of the building.
I have gone for all those reasons but the reason that I have been most passionate about going recently is to be near to a generous God. What do I mean? As I talk with people, attend our community class, sing with the congregation, share communion, hear from a fellow believer as they share from the Bible, I receive an overwhelming amount from God's hand.
The ideas flow like a river. New blog posts, answers to questions I have been asking, new approaches to challenges in my life, and on and on. It isn't that God could not share those same insights with me at my home or on a hike in the mountains. But God has chosen to use the context of our communal time with Him as a place to give generously.
When you go to church are you expecting to receive insight, innovation, creativity in every area of your life? Or do you silo church into the "super-spiritual" subjects of theology and church history and refuse to accept God's generosity in other areas like your career, family questions, home projects or hobbies.
God uses the time we come close to Him to download ideas into our lives. Sunday isn't the only time He chooses to do this, but it is one of the times I choose to focus on God and give Him the chance He so greatly desires to influence my thinking. I long for the day when He is speaking to me and giving me insights on a daily and even hourly basis.
But the first step is to spend time with God in a receiving mode. Do you expect God to be generous?
I have gone for all those reasons but the reason that I have been most passionate about going recently is to be near to a generous God. What do I mean? As I talk with people, attend our community class, sing with the congregation, share communion, hear from a fellow believer as they share from the Bible, I receive an overwhelming amount from God's hand.
The ideas flow like a river. New blog posts, answers to questions I have been asking, new approaches to challenges in my life, and on and on. It isn't that God could not share those same insights with me at my home or on a hike in the mountains. But God has chosen to use the context of our communal time with Him as a place to give generously.
When you go to church are you expecting to receive insight, innovation, creativity in every area of your life? Or do you silo church into the "super-spiritual" subjects of theology and church history and refuse to accept God's generosity in other areas like your career, family questions, home projects or hobbies.
God uses the time we come close to Him to download ideas into our lives. Sunday isn't the only time He chooses to do this, but it is one of the times I choose to focus on God and give Him the chance He so greatly desires to influence my thinking. I long for the day when He is speaking to me and giving me insights on a daily and even hourly basis.
But the first step is to spend time with God in a receiving mode. Do you expect God to be generous?