An amazing event

Our Generous Mind Team has been rather quiet on the blog this week because we were very involved in this year's Evangelical Press Association (EPA) event here in Colorado Springs. This is a wonderful conference for writers, editors, designers, marketers, etc. It is highly focused on learning and equipping and has a ton of very practical value.

We led a workshop, participated in two panels and also helped coordinate the EPA twitter strategy using the #EPA2012 hashtag. Here are the wrapups from each of the days of the conference. We hope that these ideas and fun insights are an encouragement to you as you strive to be a generous mind.

Wednesday Night Wrapup

@tedolsen Ready to get going at #epa2012 - planners put together some very impressive workshops this year

@MegBiallas Moses dropped in on #EPA2012 opening dinner to talk about faith-based social gaming -- in traditional dress + iPad!

@agreermusic: Happy to be leading worship for #EPA2012 @EPAtweeter at Colorado Springs' @FocusFamily !" // thnx 4 being here!

@EPAtweeter We will be hearing from Dr. Scott Todd from @compassion talking about the 58 partnership #epa2012

@DeWayneHamby We are awakening to a gospel that doesn't separate demonstration from proclamation. - Dr. Scott Todd @truefast #EPA2012

@joshmcquaid The church of tomorrow won't interact with poverty as it does are we changing? Are we changing? Dr Scott Todd at #EPA2012

@generousmind Malaria kills a million kids every year, but 22 countries recently cut their rates in half. Scott Todd #epa2012 // amazing

@lindacanup "What are your expectations for the future of the poor?" - Scott Todd #EPA2012

@DFRidings "God has given us everything to end extreme poverty" -- Scott Todd. Wake up church! #EPA2012

@philoday Ending global poverty: $73 billion per year for 10 years. All the resources needed exist, and it can get done. Scott Todd. #EPA2012

Thursday Wrapup
@joshmcquaid What makes coffee better? A side of Pikes Peak. Way to pick a killer spot #epa2012

@imrobertjohnson Multimedia is about giving control to the user. #EPA2012

@sandraglahn Listening 2 Al Tompkins, Pointer Institute's lead spkr on 10 Laws of Multimedia Storytelling. #EPA2012

@generousmind Attending the seminar on mentoring at #epa2012. Mentoring triad: God-mentor-mentee. Are u being mentored/mentoring.

@imrobertjohnson New media: story BEGINS on publication vs. old media: story ENDS on publication. #EPA2012

@AnnHovsepian #EPA2012 - Humour can be a great way to break into secular markets (also think Amy Awards). @EPAtweeter
@joshduv How you curate your content is everything! - @louannsabatier #EPA2012 Publishing Steps to Take in 2012

@EPAtweeterAre you mentoring across departmental lines? Creates org connectivity and greater learning. Dr. Liz Selzer #epa2012

@MattBranaugh Stat from mobiThinking: 1 in 4 download a mobile app--and use it only once. #epa2012

@DavidJMadeira Brush Fire Mobile - Successful app will cost over $100K & need to include strategy, marketing & upkeep. Proceed w caution. #EPA2012

@AnnHovsepian Pause before the punchline; in written humour, spacing and punctuation provide that pause. #EPA2012

@joshduv A publication may be WHAT you are, but branding is WHO you are. Nobody buys/donates on fact alone. Brand = emotion. Critical!! #EPA2012

@lindacanup @generousmind - all content has an ecosystem, but we often choose to ignore it. #EPA2012

@AnnHovsepian Social media sites are the means, not the end, of your influence as writer. - Al Tompkins #EPA2012

@mkvermillion Cause: an others-focused effort that allows community to form and act to accomplish a specific goal. #EPA2012

@MegBiallas Session on generational differences and mentoring. Great overview of 4 generations in the workplace. #EPA2012

@AnnHovsepian What can you use besides text for your stories? Photos, video, audio, charts, illustrations, interactive maps... #EPA2012. @EPAtweeter

@FocusFamily Great having the Evangelical Press Association here on campus this week. Follow @epatweeter and #EPA2012.

@DeWayneHamby Number one reason people don't even open your email - it's not relevant. @louannsabatier #epa2012

@joshduv #EPA2012: More young people are watching video. Increased by more than 100% in a year. // 90% of that's probably Justin Bieber music videos.

@MegBiallas Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family, speaking now at #EPA2012.

@joshduv Key leadership quality: Know your heart as best you can. #EPA2012 Greatest weakness in Christian leaders: too much ego, too little God

@lindacanup "God is getting us ready for something more than the culture wars." @DalyFocus #EPA2012

@brittanyklaus @agreermusic really appreciating your leading worship at EPA--loving the hymns. #EPA2012

@imrobertjohnson sitting in the "Geeky Goodness" workshop with @atompkins. you can check out some of the geeky goodness at #EPA2012

@joshmcquaid why we blog: because we never know how God might use our writing @ElsaKokColopy #EPA2012

@joshduv New magazine model for content, design and publishing requires three times the work of old model. #EPA2012

@ashboyer Fun running into old friends and making new ones @ #EPA2012.

@joshmcquaid good bloggers are good observers of their world @ElsaKokColopy #EPA2012

@imrobertjohnson Do you need to check the validity of a document or a photo, check out the metadata that is attached with each file! #EPA2012

@brentrinehart Great session on blogging from @elsakokcolopy #EPA2012! You have no idea who will see your post & how they will be encouraged. So write!

@philoday The Best and Worst Times to Post on Facebook, Twitter via #epa2012 @jadeatherage

@joshduv Inspiring, intense, encouraging, uplifting day at #EPA2012. You all are living, breathing, amazing stories. Keep sharing your heart.

@JenicaBreLee How do you cope with significant loss? Great session on starting over by Rusty Wright today. They even prayed over me! #blessed #epa2012

@agreermusic RT @generousmind There is an inconclusiveness in hymns that I love. @agreermusic // great way to discribe authenticity in hymns! #epa2012

Friday Wrapup
@AnnHovsepian As if the networking opportunities at #EPA2012 weren't great enough, I get to soak in views such as this. Loving CO!

@ryanksmith RT @DeWayneHamby: So far my takeaway from #EPA2012 is GO MOBILE. Need to prioritize development on app and/or mobile-friendly site.

@imrobertjohnson Keyboard shortcut for making brushes larger or smaller: use the brackets beside the "P" -- [ or ] #EPA2012

@ryanksmith Email is not a broadcast medium any more. It's effective for your core audience, but not for cold calls. #epa2012

@lindacanup Contextualize your content for the day. how will it benefit the people on a given platform? @generousmind #EPA2012

@imrobertjohnson If you use Illustrator, you better be using artboards! #EPA2012

@MegBiallas Favorite sign I've seen this week at #EPA2012.

@josephvijayam My seminar at #EPA2012 on picking the right #technology vendor is about to begin! Hope you will be there!

@joshduv The best #writing internships are those that actually let interns write/get published. This requires more risk for manager. #EPA2012

@joshmcquaid rebranding is about more than just how you's how you live out your brand #EPA2012

@imrobertjohnson Does your internal image match your external image? This is an indicator of your need for rebranding. #EPA2012

@DeWayneHamby What a wonderful treat to hear a female choir from Azusa Pacific singing today in the hall for FOTF during #EPA2012

@joshduv When hiring #freelance #writers, remember it's not just about the legal contracts but also about maintaining good relationships. #EPA2012

@joshmcquaid there's no outsourcing of a rebranding have to make the internal investment too #EPA2012

@juliawurst Met the sweetest woman who spontaneously prayed for me at #epa2012. Love making these connections!

@AlexMurashko Soaking it all in at #OccupyFocusOnTheFamily (with no complaints!) #EPA2012

@lindacanup: New EPA logo revealed #EPA2012" // check out the new logo!
@philoday New logo for Evangelical Press Association. RGB colors reflect explosion of digital content. @EPAtweeter #EPA2012

@joshduv Starting the ideal editor workshop at #EPA2012. "Editors make the difference between a piece of work and a piece of art."

@MegBiallas OMG. Leif and @mafeinberg are treating us to chocolate and strawberries for the last workshop of the day. Be jealous. #EPA2012

@joshduv What's the mission, theme, purpose of your publication? #Editors must bring that down into the editing process. #EPA2012

@generousmind You don't have to create something out of nothing to be innovative. Margaret Fienberg #epa2012

@lindacanup Your brand needs to be stories--share the stories that make your community what it is @mafeinberg #EPA2012

@joshmcquaid Bloggers, writers, editors, know what stories aren't yours to tell and have the boldness to sacrifice the "punch" @mafeinberg #EPA2012

@joshduv As the #editor you have the power to make or break a writer, to crush them or bless them! #EPA2012

@joshmcquaid @mafeinberg make a list of the other people doing what you're doing and pray for them (and tell them) #EPA2012

@KatherineTPhan Margaret Feinberg tells evang pub to extend grace to each other to get through tough shifts We r not alone @mafeinberg #EPA2012

@ryanksmith What else are your readers reading? Look at those sources and learn from them. @mafeinberg at #EPA2012

@generousmind @KatherineTPhan: Dont give up, pass on wisdom to, raise next gen of christian media professionals @mafeinberg #EPA2012"// yes!

@AnnHovsepian Loved #EPA2012. Also love that I'm going home tomorrow. NOT loving the fact that I have to pack tonight. Hope all this SWAG fits in bag. :)

@pamelapraniuk Had a great time at EPA this year!! I'm still processing everything I have learned these past couple of days!! #ColoradoSprings #EPA2012
